Sidewalk Inspection Projects

This list of sidewalk accessibility inspection projects is updated weekly for DeepWalk's consultant partners. To receive an estimate for DeepWalk's sidewalk inspection software, enter your email, press 'Get DeepWalk's Estimate,' and we will reach out within 24 hours.

Due: August 6, 2024

Amherst, MA - Facilities Condition Assessment

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The Town of Amherst is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to provide professional services to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study of eleven municipal buildings s and has allocated a maximum budget of $300,000 for this important capital planning effort.” (3)

Relevant Scope of Work

2. Conduct a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the building structure, envelope and building systems to produce an assessment of the current facilities status of site and building systems listed below, through non-destructive means. 


  • Driveways, sidewalks, walking paths (3)
Due: August 15, 2024

Stamford, CT - ADA Public Rights of Way Facilities Inventory, Accessibility Review, and Transition Plan

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“The goal of this project is to establish an inventory of pedestrian facilities that assists in maintaining and improving accessibility of pedestrian facilities within the City’s Right-of-Ways. The field data collection program will include an assessment and database development of all elements of the public right of way pedestrian access routes including crosswalks, sidewalks, pedestrian curb ramps, ramps, bus stops & bus shelters, and 211 traffic signals maintained by the city. The condition and accessibility for each of those assets shall be in a method consistent with the ADA, PROWAG, and the City’s Guidelines and Procedures to support the further development of its asset management and accessibility compliance initiatives” (2).

Relevant Scope of Work

“Item 1. Inventory and Assessment of Public Rights of Way Facilities and Polices/Standards 

The selected consultant shall evaluate and inventory the below pedestrian facilities within the boundaries of the city for compliance with PROWAG and ADA regulations (width, running slope, cross slope, material condition, proper location, obstructions, etc).

  • Publicly owned and maintained Sidewalks
  • Pedestrian
  • Curb Ramps
  • Ramps” (2).
Due: August 21, 2024

Cincinnati, OH - ADA Self Evaluation and Improvement Plan

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“The City of Cincinnati is inviting proposals from qualified and experienced firms that can assist the City in developing a comprehensive ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan” (3).

Relevant Scope of Work

“The Transition Plan shall include recommendations for phased corrective work. The recommendations will be developed to meet accessibility standards that are prioritized to comply with ADA Title II requirements that, at a minimum: 

1. Identify physical obstacles that limit the accessibility of the City’s programs, services, or activities to individuals with disabilities…

The Self-Evaluation will identify any programmatic, technological, and physical barriers limiting the accessibility of the City’s programs, services, activities, communications, or facilities. At a minimum, the Transition Plan will provide recommendations for complying with the accessibility requirements as mandated by the ADA and State of Ohio codes…

1. Self-Evaluation Phase: 

The consultant shall:

…Provide GIS data support to City including inventory and mapping of barriers, a version of which will be made publicly available. GIS data must be compatible with the asset management system (TBD) that works seamlessly with CAGIS to help capture data, analyze it, and prepare for the future" (3-4).

Due: August 21, 2024

Cincinnati, OH - ADA Self Evaluation and Improvement Plan

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“The City of Cincinnati is inviting proposals from qualified and experienced firms that can assist the City in developing a comprehensive ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.” (3)

Relevant Scope of Work

“The Transition Plan shall include recommendations for phased corrective work. The recommendations will be developed to meet accessibility standards that are prioritized to comply with ADA Title II requirements that, at a minimum: 

1. Identify physical obstacles that limit the accessibility of the City’s programs, services, or activities to individuals with disabilities…

The Self-Evaluation will identify any programmatic, technological, and physical barriers limiting the accessibility of the City’s programs, services, activities, communications, or facilities. At a minimum, the Transition Plan will provide recommendations for complying with the accessibility requirements as mandated by the ADA and State of Ohio codes…

1. Self-Evaluation Phase: 

The consultant shall:

…Provide GIS data support to City including inventory and mapping of barriers, a version of which will be made publicly available. GIS data must be compatible with the asset management system (TBD) that works seamlessly with CAGIS to help capture data, analyze it, and prepare for the future" (3-4).

Due: August 15, 2024

Stamford, CT - ADA Public Rights of Way Facilities Inventory, Accessibility Review, and Transition Plan

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“The goal of this project is to establish an inventory of pedestrian facilities that assists in maintaining and improving accessibility of pedestrian facilities within the City’s Right-of-Ways. The field data collection program will include an assessment and database development of all elements of the public right of way pedestrian access routes including crosswalks, sidewalks, pedestrian curb ramps, ramps, bus stops & bus shelters, and 211 traffic signals maintained by the city. The condition and accessibility for each of those assets shall be in a method consistent with the ADA, PROWAG, and the City’s Guidelines and Procedures to support the further development of its asset management and accessibility compliance initiatives” (2).

Relevant Scope of Work

“Item 1. Inventory and Assessment of Public Rights of Way Facilities and Polices/Standards 

The selected consultant shall evaluate and inventory the below pedestrian facilities within the boundaries of the city for compliance with PROWAG and ADA regulations (width, running slope, cross slope, material condition, proper location, obstructions, etc).

  • Publicly owned and maintained Sidewalks
  • Pedestrian
  • Curb Ramps
  • Ramps” (2).
Due: August 8, 2024

Amherst, MA - Facilities Condition Assessment

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The Town of Amherst is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to provide professional services to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study of eleven municipal buildings…” (3)

Relevant Scope of Work

2. Conduct a comprehensive and accurate analysis of the building structure, envelope and building systems to produce an assessment of the current facilities status of site and building systems listed below, through non-destructive means. 


  • Driveways, sidewalks, walking paths (3)

Due: July 17, 2024

Wellington, FL - Request for Qualifications for Professional Consulting Services

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The objective of this solicitation is to select and obtain the services of Professional Consultant Teams to provide services for 1) Civil Engineering on Continuing Contract Basis 2) ADA Transition Plan and 3) Vulnerability Assessment.

Relevant Scope of Work

3.3 ADA Transition Plan The Village of Wellington is requesting proposals to assist the Village with an ADA Transition Plan for the evaluation of all existing park facilities for ADA compliance. The Village requests an 20 independent analysis of the park system to determine overall compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The tasks that may be requested by the Village of Wellington include, but are not limited to:

3.3.1 Park Evaluations – Task 1

a. The Consultant shall conduct Field Surveys of all Park facilities provided in Exhibit II (Parks, Preserves, & Memorials Map), which the Village provides programs, facilities, services and/or activities to the general public.

c. Park Field Surveys shall analyze all elements of the facilities, applying appropriate accessibility standards to those areas of facilities. Park Field Surveys shall include but not be limited to, the following elements:

v. Sidewalks

Due: July 2, 2024

Weston, MA - Pedestrian, Bicycle, Sidewalk, and Multi-Use Path Master Plan

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"The Town of Weston is inviting proposals from qualified firms to develop Weston’s Pedestrian, Bicycle, Sidewalk and Multi-Use Path Master Plan. The scope of these services shall include, but not be limited to, the following: survey and catalog existing bicycle paths, sidewalks and trails; neighborhood outreach; investigation into existing neighborhood comments; pedestrian/bicycle studies; sidewalk studies; presentations; work with town staff and committees and the preparation of the Pedestrian, Bicycle and Sidewalk Master Plan" (1).

Relevant Scope of Work

"Existing Conditions Inventory – The Engineer shall prepare an existing conditions inventory of infrastructure utilized by pedestrians and bicyclists, within the Town and any adjacent regional connections.

  1.  Work under this task will include, but not be limited to:some text
    1. Identify and map existing shared paved and unpaved paths, trails, and sidewalks" (2-3).
Due: June 27, 2024

Richmond, VA - Roadway and Pavement Assessment

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“The City of Richmond is soliciting proposals for professional engineering services to establish a contract through competitive negotiation pursuant to Richmond City Code section 21-68 for pavement condition assessment and analysis services and sidewalk condition assessment and analysis services of City-owned roads, sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs, gutters, and ADA ramps” (4).

Relevant Scope of Work

“1.3.4. Sidewalk Assessment 

A. The Contractor shall assign staff to perform the image capturing and concrete condition surveys for the entire City sidewalk network including curb and gutter, ADA ramps, driveway aprons, and carriage walks. All work shall be performed by the Contractor according to ASTM Standards of Practice (D-6433-11)...

D. The Contractor shall use a ESRI or ARCGIS compliant application to create asset inventories and perform sidewalk repair ratings…” (8).