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GIS Mapping Files

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Export DeepWalk's data to your favorite mapping system with 58 pre-computed fields per inspection and links to all of your sidewalk inspection files

58 Unique Data Points Per Inspection:

- Access and Condition Scoring
- Metadata
- Minimums, Maximums, and Averages
- Lengths and Areas
- Accessibility Features
- Hosted Files

Scan File Mapping Fields

Access and Condition Scoring

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "accessibility_grade": 5,
    "access_description": "No Significant Barriers      to Access Found",
    "percent_deteriorated": 0

  • accessibility_grade (int)

    Six level accessibility grading scale with 5 being most accessible and 0 being least accessible
     Link to documentation

  • access_description (text)

    Text description of the accessibility_grade grading

  • percent_deteriorated (%)

    Percentage of sidewalk area classified as deteriorated


Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "id": 73079.
    "type": "Curb Ramp",
    "collector": 122,
    "date": "2023-02-09"

  • id (int)

    Unique numerical ID for the inspection

  • type (int)

    Type of inspection (Mid-Block: 0, Curb Ramp: 1)

  • collector (int)

    Data collector ID

  • date (date)

    Data collection date

Maximums, Minimums, and Averages

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "max_run_slope": 5.0,
    "max_cross_slope": 2.8,
    "avg_run_slope": 3.2,
    "min_clear_width": 47,
    "avg_cross_slope": 1.2,
    "avg_width": 60

  • max_run_slope (%)

    Maximum running slope in the inspection region reported in percent slope to the nearest tenth

  • max_cross_slope (%)

    Maximum cross slope in the inspection region reported in percent slope to the nearest tenth

  • min_clear_width (in.)

    Average clear width in the inspection region reported in inches

  • avg_run_slope (%)

    Average running slope in the inspection region reported in percent slope to the nearest tenth

  • avg_cross_slope (%)

    Average cross slope in the inspection region reported in percent slope to the nearest tenth

  • avg_width (in.)

    Average clear width in the inspection region reported in inches

Lengths and Areas

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "panel_area": 78,
    "Brick_area": 0,
    "Asphalt_area": 0,
    "deteriorated_area": 0,
    "DW_area": 9,
    "length": 20

  • panel_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in concrete sidewalk panels in square feet

  • combined_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in sidewalk of any material including deteriorated sidewalk

  • Brick_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in brick sidewalk in square feet

  • Asphalt_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in asphalt sidewalk in square feet

  • Gravel_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in gravel

  • Total_Deteriorated_area (sf)

    Deteriorated area either detected by DeepWalk's automated systems or by manual tags with the "Deteriorated" tag

  • deteriorated_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in heavily deteriorated sidewalk detected by DeepWalk's automated systems

  • Deteriorated_Panel_area (sf)

    Area of panels manually tagged with a deterioration tag

  • Cracked_area (sf)

    Total area of detected cracks in the scan

  • Cracked_Panel_area (sf)

    Total area of Panels with detected cracks

  • DW_area (sf)

    Area of the inspection region covered in domed detectable warning surfaces in square feet

  • length (ft.)

    Centerline length of sidewalk in linear feet

Accessibility Features

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "detectable_warning": "No DW Necessary",
    "obstructions": 0,
    "passing_space": "True",
    "material": "Concrete"

  • detectable_warning (text)

    Detectable warning status (Truncated Domes, Missing DW, or Not Necessary)

  • obstructions (int)

    Number of panels with an minimum clear width less than 36 inches

  • passing_space (boolean)

    "True" if inspection area has a maximum clear width greater than 60 inches

  • material (text)

    Primary construction material of sidewalk


Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "clear_width_violations": 4,
    "severe_obstructions": 3

  • clear_width_violations (int)

    Number of panels with clear width less than 46" (2" width tolerance by default)

  • count_vertical_displacements (int)

    Number of tagged vertical displacements in the scan

  • cross_slope_violations (int)

    Number of panels with cross slope greater than 2.5% (0.4% tolerance by default)

  • extreme_obstructions (int)

    Number of panels with a clear width reduced to less than 15"

  • severe_obstructions (int)

    Number of panels with a clear width reduced to less than 36"

Scores and "Fix" Values

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "cs_score": 26
    "width_score": 40,

  • cs_score (int)

    Numerical value indicating severity of cross slope violations in a section of sidewalk. Higher numbers indicate higher cross slopes, with 0 indicating no cross slopes greater than 2.5% detected. Link to documentation

  • rs_score (int)

    Numerical value indicating severity of running slope violations in a section of sidewalk. Higher numbers indicate higher running slopes.  Link to documentation

  • width_score (int)

    Numerical value indicating severity of clear width violations in a section of sidewalk. Higher numbers indicate higher clear widths.  Link to documentation

  • dw_fix (int)

    Accessibility Grade if a compliant detectable warning is added to the sidewalk

  • width_fix (int)

    Accessibility Grade if all clear width violations are removed

  • vd_fix (int)

    Accessibility Grade if vertical displacements are removed from the sidewalk

  • fruit_fix (int)

    Accessibility Grade if a compliant detectable warning is added, trip hazards are removed, and obstructions are removed

Raw Data

Email for support in using these advanced fields.

  • panels (dictionary)

    Python dictionary used for creating interactive, labelled images of the inspection or for advanced panel-by-panel analysis

  • raw_score (dictionary)

    Python dictionary including the cs_score, rs_score, width_score, dw_score, percent deterioration, and ramp_check for custom scoring schema

  • violations (dictionary)

    Python dictionary including the counts of each violation type by severity

Hosted Files

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "labelled_img_media": "link",
    "raster_media": "link",
    "autoreport_media": "link"

  • labelled_img_media (link)

    Hosted link to an .jpg image of the inspection area with barriers to accessibility marked with colored icons

  • raster_media (link)

    Hosted link to an .jpg image of the inspection area

  • autoreport_media (link)

    Hosted link to a PDF file of the accessibility AutoReport

Manual Tag File Mapping Fields

Overview Fields

Sample Properties from GeoJSON

    "type": "Trip Hazard",
    "cropped_media": "link",
    "scan_id": 14365,
    "labelled_img_media": "link",
    "raster_media": "link"

  • type (text)

    Manual tag type

  • cropped_media (link)

    Labelled image zoomed in on the manual tag

  • scan_id (text)

    Scan ID of corresponding PDF inspection report and scan file feature

  • google_maps (link)

    Link to location on google maps

  • labelled_img_media (link)

    Hosted link to an .jpg image of the inspection area with barriers to accessibility marked with colored icons

  • raster_media (link)

    Hosted link to an .jpg image of the inspection area